Sunday, February 16, 2014

Following Heart

Two years of painful yet exciting journey has come to an end. Now I have picked so many colors* to paint the picture*. Ignoring professional growth, Onsite Opportunities, technologies, money and came to north to just study Rajasthan’s Folklore was a stupid decision considering the liabilities that I had but I have no option other than following my heart and heart said to study Folklore.

When I look back my journey wasn’t that easy as I was just an onlooker to Indian Folk Music. So many tiring journeys, cried alone many times in the room, skipping meals, spent days with shepherds & nights in villages, spent days with poor yet talented musicians etc. My Frustration was just so high at one point of time just decided to commit suicide but with the blessings of God, help of many Friends, family and my teacher Dr. Vijay Verma. I was able to come out of miserable time.

I have made so many friends and equally lost many friends in this journey!!! Frankly speaking it was very tough time for the people around me; most of them became part of my frustration I am really sorry to all of them.

Right now I think I must gift a research based institution ‘National School of Folk Music’ to the people of this nation. Hop on if you like the idea of such institution.

Colors : Will write about it Later
Picture : National School of Folk Music